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Приемная комиссия +7 (8362) 641-541, 688-088 prk@marsu.ru

Приемная комиссия +7 (8362) 641-541, 688-088 prk@marsu.ru

Марийский государственный университет
Опорный вуз Марий ЭлУчастник программы "Приоритет 2030"

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования



Study program

Faculty of Medicine

Specialist’s Degree Programs

- General Medicine

- Pediatrics

Institute of Natural Sciences and Pharmacy

Bachelor’s and Specialist’s Degree Programs

- Pharmacy

- Medical Biochemistry

- Fundamental and Applied Chemistry

- Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry; Petroleum Chemistry)

- Ecology and Natural Resources Management

- Biology (General Biology; Biochemistry)

Master’s Degree Programs

- Chemistry (Environmental Chemistry, Chemical Expertise and Environmental Safety)

- Ecology and Natural Resources Management (General Ecology)

- Biology (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)

Faculty of Foreign Languages

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

- Linguistics (Translation and Interpreting)

- Teacher Training (Foreign Language: English)

- Teacher Training (Foreign Languages: English and French)

- Teacher Training (Foreign Languages: English and German)

- Teacher Training (Foreign Languages: German and English)

Master’s Degree Programs

- Teacher Training (Languages)

- Linguistics (Theory and Practice in International Communication)

Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

- Psychology

- Pedagogy and Psychology (Educational Psychology)

- Pedagogy and Psychology (Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology)

- Pedagogy and Psychology (Psychology and Social Pedagogy)

- Special (Defectological) Education (Logopedics)

- Special (Defectological) Education (Preschool Defectology)

Master’s Degree Programs

- Psychology (Techniques of Coaching, Trainings Work, Consulting; Psychology of Human Resource Management)

- Pedagogy and Psychology (Organization and Management of Psychological and Educational Support of the Preschool Childhood)

- Special (Defectological) Education (Psychological and Educational Support of the Individuals with Disabilities)

Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

- Teacher Training (Physical Training)

- Teacher Training (Life Safety)

- Teacher Training (Physical Training and Life Safety)

Master’s Degree Programs

- Teacher Training (Physical Training)

- Teacher Training (Physical Training and Life Safety)

- Physical Training (Physical Education and Sports Improving Technology)

- Sport (Techniques of Athletic Instruction)

Faculty of General Education and Professional Studies

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

- Teacher Training (Primary Education and Informatics)

- Teacher Training (Primary Education)

- Teacher Training (Technology)

- Teacher Training (Mathematics and Physics)

- Teacher Training (Technology and Informatics)

- Teacher Training (Russian as a Foreign Language)

- Vocational Training (Branch-Wise: Transport)

- Vocational Training (Branch-Wise: Economics and Management)

- Vocational Training (Branch-Wise: Decorative and Applied Arts and Design)

Master’s Degree Programs

- Teacher Training (Educational Management)

- Teacher Training (Physical Education)

- Vocational Training (Branch-Wise: Consulting in the Vocational Training System)

- Vocational Training (Branch-Wise: Innovation in the Vocational Training)

Faculty of Physics and Mathematics

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

- Radio Engineering Systems

- Mathematics (Mathematical Modeling and Applied Software)

- Applied Mathematics and Informatics (Programming and System Analysis)

- Mathematical Support and Administration of Information Systems (Information Systems and databases)

- Information Systems and Technologies

- Physics (Medical Physics)

- Materials Science and Technology

Master’s Degree Programs

- Mathematics (Numerical Mathematics)

- Mathematical Support and Administration of Information Systems (Information Systems and Technologies)

- Information Systems and Technologies (Information Technology Entrepreneurship)

- Information Systems and Technologies (High-Performance Computing)

- Materials Science and Technology (Physicochemistry of Materials and Processes)

Faculty of Law

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

- Law (State Law)

- Law (Criminal Law)

- Law (Civil Law)

Master’s Degree Programs

- Law (Lawyer in Government and Enforcement Agencies)

- Law (Сorporate Lawyer)

- Law

Faculty of History and Philology

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

- Journalism

- Exterior Regions Studies

- History

- Teacher Training (History and Social Studies)

- Teacher Training (Russian Language and Literature)

Master’s Degree Programs

- Journalism (Multimedia Journalism)

- Philology (Philology in the Modern World)

- History (National History, History and Culture of Russian Regions)

- History (Archaeology and Ethnology)

Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

- Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering (Electrosupply)

Master’s Degree Programs

- Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering (Electrosupply)

- Power Machine Building

- Technology of Transport Processes

Institute of National Culture and Intercultural Communication

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

- International Relations

- Teacher Training (Native Language and Literature, Primary Education)

- Teacher Training (Native Language and Literature, Foreign Language: Finnish/English)

- Folk Art (Amateur Dance Troupe Guidance; Amateur Theatre Guidance)

Master’s Degree Programs

- Advertising and Public Relations

- International Relations

- Teacher Training (Native Language and Literature, Russian Language)

- Teacher Training (Languages: Mari and English languages)

- Teacher Training (Philology in the Ethnocultural Environment)

- Philology (Finno-Ugric Philology)

- Museology and Natural and Cultural Heritage Objects Protection

- Library and Information Activities

- Archives and Documentation Studies

- Folk Art (Cultural Heritage of the Volga-Kama Region People)

Institute of Economics, Management and Finances

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

- Management (Financial Management)

- Economics (Accounting, Analysis and Auditing)

- Economics (Finance and Credit)

- Economics (Business Statistics and Forecasting)

- State and Municipal Administration

- Business Informatics

- Service (Logistics Systems Service)

- Mathematics (Mathematical Methods in Economics)

Master’s Degree Programs

- Management

- Economics (Accounting, Analysis and Auditing)

- Service (Business Processes at Service Enterprises)

Institute of Agricultural Technologies

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

- Foods of Animal Origin (Meat and Meat Products Technology)

- Foods of Animal Origin (Milk and Milk Products Technology)

- Agronomy

- Agricultural Products Manufacture and Processing Technology (Crop Products Manufacture and Processing Technology)

- Zootechnics

- Agricultural Engineering

Master’s Degree Programs

- Foods of Animal Origin

- Agronomy

- Agricultural Engineering

Mari Agricultural College

Specialist’s Degree Programs

- Meat and Meat Products Technology

- Agronomy

- Veterinary Science

- Economics and Accounting (Branch-Wise)

- Commerce (Branch-Wise)

Последние объявления

Республиканский конкурс чтецов «Моя страна. Моя Россия»

Марийский государственный университет приглашает обучающихся 1 - 11 классов общеобразовательных организаций, профессиональных образовательных организаций и высших учебных заведений, принять участие в Республиканском конкурсе чтецов «Моя страна. Моя Россия» (далее – Конкурс).


XI Международный финно-угорский студенческий форум «Богатство финно-угорских народов»

Приглашаем Вас принять участие в XI Международном финно-угорском студенческом форуме «Богатство финно-угорских народов», который состоится 22-23 мая 2024 года в г. Йошкар-Оле на базе Марийского государственного университета.


XIII Всероссийский популяционный семинар с международным участием памяти Н.В.Глотова (к 85-летию со дня рождения)

9-11 апреля 2024 г. Марийский государственный университет участвует в проведении XIII Всероссийского популяционного семинара с международным участием памяти Н.В. Глотова (к 85-летию со дня рождения) «Проблемы популяционной биологии» на базе ФГАОУ ВО «Российский государственный профессионально-педагогический университет» (филиал в г. Нижний Тагил).


Календарь мероприятий

с прошедших

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  • 4
    "Проектная деятельность в работе учителя начальной школы"
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